Monday, August 5, 2013

Inner Self

Most of the time, the truth hurts. I know the truth, and most people do. But most tend to hide it, or choose not to know. There is a need for the truth to be told, but there is also a need to keep calm when the truth is out. Some things happen for a reason. One can choose to believe it's reasoning, or one can choose to find excuses for it. I am generally not a emotional person. I don't go to sea side to get emotional, or spam Taylor Swift break up remedies. But I do feel. I just choose not to feel the extreme end. I know about the box, and about the box within the box, and within, till the last box. I know it all. I just don't think about it. Sometimes the way to continue living life, it is to live for the moment and be happy. The box within the boxes might hurt. But one could choose to hold on to the first box that makes one happy. Most of the time, I know the rights and wrong, but I want the first box so I am grabbing onto it.