Sunday, June 17, 2012

Random facts 101

  • I always believe that in no matter what I do, no matter how stupid it is, I will always give it my best and try it one last shot, because only till then, I can admit to the truth and when I look back one day, I can say to myself, "Hey, at least I've tried my best."

  • I am very superstitious, when someone say something bad, example, "If I die blah blah.." or even when I say it myself, I always make the person hit his/her own mouth first before completing the sentence..

  • I hate to lie. I don't understand liars. I mean like to close ones. Cause I don't care about others. Lying is very tiring to me. Even the tiniest things. So I never lie. And I am really straight forward. And I don't give praises easily thus when a friend really want to know if she looks fat in a dress, they always trust me coz they know I'll never lie.

  • Cheating is fine to me. Even when the person I'm dating does it to me. It's simple to me. If you wanna cheat, you make sure I don't find out. Bring it to your grave. Same applies to lying. Just make sure I don't find out and that's okay. Or even when I find out, it's okay. I believe that if one wants to cheat/play/have fun, it's okay. As long as they know how to play and how to withdraw. If you wanna play, then you make sure you don't get hurt and cry later on. If it makes you cry, then what's the fun about it?

  • I play mind games a lot. But I never play it on close friends. It's simple. If I have to deal with outsiders with mind games, I wouldn't be bothered to use it on close ones, isn't that really tiring? People think that I play mind games then I would use it on everyone... but come on, I am only human, I will be tired too... And I don't use it on everything.. It's more like a natural reflex, especially to boys in that case.

  • I am loud, rude, really straightforward, but with no bad intentions (if you know me well enough, you know). In which sometimes I do ask myself and my bff why would any guy like me? Coz I don't even like myself.

  • But I can really sweet and romantic. I don't usually speak in the 'act cute' voice which most girls does it to their boyfriend.. But I do it to really close friends and maybe someone special. An ex that knew me for quite some time before we got together was really surprised when he heard that voice of mine lolzzzzz.

  • I don't like to introduce guy-friends to my parents coz I don't want them to have the impression I'll be with this fellow for a long run, and then suddenly phew!..he's gone. And I think people shouldn't do that too, it's not good to disappoint your parents but unless your parents are really open minded and stuff then that's okay I guess.

  • I am a Leo and thus pride is quite a important factor in my character. But I've also lost many things/people in life to make me realize that pride isn't really above all things. I believe in, "It's better to lose the fight than lose the person you love and not win a fight but lose the person forever." But if that person is some fucked up asshole, then I say screw him, pride is more important.

  • I used to think that changing yourself for a person is worth it. But now that I've been through it, I think it's stupid. If that person really loves you, he/she should accept for who you are since when you met that person, you're already like that. If that person insist on you kicking away habits that he/she dislike, then he/she is not worth it. If he/she wants that ideal you so much, he/she should find someone that is already ideal for him/her and not try to change you into what he/she want.

  • My last boyfriend was........ when I was 17. Haha. Long long ago right? 4 years ago. And although I don't really take relationships seriously, but honestly, I do want someone stable. Someone I can say it's my boyfriend. But for the past 4 years, it's either that person wants to be serious and I feel that he's not the right one.. or the other way round. Frustrating. I even met 2 stalkers in my life that I threatened to report to the police then they stopped. Stalkers as in.. not really stalk you in real life, follow your movement. More like they just keep calling/texting and bugging me even when I was really straightforward asking him to stop etc.

  • I hate hate hate spending time with couples, especially super lovey dovey ones. I would look at the guy (coz normally the girl is my friend) and feel really envious. Not that he's a good catch or I am interested in him but just the fact that they're a couple and I am alone.

  • Oh and I don't understand people that loves keeping people on the hook. If you don't like that person, just tell him/her! Why keep them on the hook if you're not interested? I will never do that cause I will never want that to happen to me. And plus my intuition is really strong, like a woman's instinct. So, when I feel that this relationship is going to a dead end, I would be really straight forward and just ask, "You lost feelings for me already right?" If the guy say so or give a answer near to that, I will cut strings immediately and if he really stops contacting me, I'd look up to him cause I like a clean cut.

I don't know if there are more facts about maybe I'll write again if I think of any..

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