Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cheaters, Liars

Why lie?

I cannot exclaim how much I hate dishonesty.
I know the game, I know the rules.
I get how some things are meant to be lied to.

But I do not judge.
When I ask you something, it doesn't mean I don't already know the answer.
Often times, I already know the answer, I just want to see whether or not you've got the guts to own it up.

Admit it. And I will look at you in a different light. At least you earn my respect.

And things people lie to me, it's so obvious and easy for me to find out. Even at their last wit, they still want to lie. Seriously you don't say.

Asking a ex, you got any flings now?
I am not like any other typical little girl and be mad at you for saying.. "Yeah I am seeing someone else too."
It's okay to tell me! Okay maybe this is a little hard for most people to be honest but just admit it man...... you know I can find out about it if I really want to so why bother to lie? Just admit it will die is it? Same guy multiple times. Irony.

There are even guys that play the 'I love you', 'Be my girlfriend' card after talking for a few days.
What's their deal?
They seriously think girls these days are going to buy that? Tell that to a girl you met in a library maybe she will think omg this guy really loves me.
Why play that sort of card and turn into a big ass in the end?
It's not gonna last you very long and I am so sure that this isn't the wisest tactic in building a relationship with someone.


So hard to find someone honest these days.

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